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(80/185) 184 - projectViewer: integrate hypersearch results

Right now, projectViewer shows when a file has changed (tiny disk icon) and when it's open in a buffer (underlined)

A logical next step is to integrate hypersearch results, for example making files that contain a match bold. Or different background color.

Submitted urlwolf - 2010-02-02 09:30:22 Assigned
Priority 1 Labels Project Viewer
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2010-02-26 04:40:53

Whlie an interesting idea, there doesn't seem to be a way to be notified of hypersearch results (just to request a hypersearch). So this can't be implemented against the current jEdit code.

2010-02-26 04:40:53

- **priority**: 5 --> 1

2012-01-12 23:19:44

- **labels**: --> Project Viewer